The Role Of Committees
Committees are, in general, proportionally representative of the parties represented in the Legislature. Committee meetings are open to the public but may be closed if there is a good reason to do so.
The different committees have one or more of the following functions:
- To monitor and oversee the work and budgets of provincial government departments and hold them accountable
- To consider and amend Bills, and may initiate Bills
- To provide a platform for public participation
- To create an environment for the Legislature to hear evidence, collect information related to the work of a specific committee
Committees have the power to summon any person to appear before them, give evidence or produce documents. They may require any person or institution to report to them. Committees may also receive petitions, representations, or submissions from the public. Each committee is headed by a chairperson.
The work of Committees is not restricted to government. It may investigate any matter of public interest that falls within their area of responsibility.
Public Accounts Committee
The Legislature’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts acts as a watchdog over the way taxpayer’s money is spent by the Executive. Each year, the Auditor General tables reports on the accounts and financial management of the various government departments and the State institutions. Heads of government departments are regularly called by this committee to report or account for expenditure. The committee can recommend that corrective action be taken if necessary.
Ad Hoc Committee
The Legislature may appoint an ad hoc committee (temporary) committee when a special task must be done. When the task is complete, the committee is dissolved.

List Of Standing & Portfolio Committees
- Hon R. Jaffer (Chairperson) (PA)
- Hon L. Motlhaping (ANC)
- Hon. L. Koloi (ANC)
- Hon D. De Huis (ANC)
- Hon M. Kibi (ANC)
- Hon M. Matika (ANC)
- Hon F. Rhoda (DA)
- Hon R. Liebenberg (DA)
- Hon S. Tlhaole (EFF)
- Hon TE Joubert (VF+)