Supply Chain Management
Demand Management
- Demand analysis & planning
- Market understanding
- Supplier database maintenance
Acquisition Management
- Procurement
- Tender Administration
- Compliance with PPPFA, SCM regulations etc.
Logistics, Asset & Disposal Management
- Receipt and delivery of goods and services
- Asset registers and verifications
- Fleet service management (Transport)
- Disposal of redundant assets
SCM Functional environment
- Highly regulated and legislated environment – Objective is to comply and prevent any irregular expenditure
- High demand unit – Most activity of the NCPL involves SCM
- Timing of need for Goods and Services in execution of mandate creates tension between various objectives
- E.g. Public Participation requires an event at a remote or rural area, where there is no compliant service providers on the database in that area
- Tension exists between the objective of the success the event and the objective of compliance
- Causes of tension:
• Long turnaround time for decision making
• Section 76 bills with short mandates deadlines
• Last minute submissions to SCM