The Northern Cape Provincial Committee Support Services

Committee Support Services Unit

The Committee Support Services unit forms part of the core business of the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature (NCPL) and provides non-partisan administrative and operational support services and advice to Committees, Chairpersons and Members, and staff of the institution to support the deliberative processes and general operations of the Committees of the NCPL in line with the Northern Cape Oversight Model.    

Committee Coordinators are responsible for the facilitation of effective communication between the Committee, its Chairperson and Members, the Executive and departments, other relevant stakeholders and the general public.  They serve as the link or point of entry for all stakeholders with the Chairperson and the Committee.

The handling of all committee correspondence, the development of committee reports based on committee deliberations, submission of committee reports to the House, communication of House resolutions to the Executive and departments, and the distribution of departmental responses to House resolutions form part of the activities carried out by this unit.  Arrangements for oversight visits and public hearings are done to ensure participation of all relevant stakeholders and departments.

Legislature Committees are regarded as the engine rooms of the NCPL’s oversight and legislative work.  The Committee Support Services unit ensures that these engine rooms are empowered to effectively execute their constitutional mandate. 

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Nobengula Extension, Legislature Building Foyer, Kimberley