NCOP & Proceedings
NCOP - Taking Parliament To The People Programme
This program enables the NCOP to exercise its constitutional obligation of overseeing the executive. This program also gives citizens an opportunity to engage their elected public representatives on issues affecting them.The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Members of the Provincial Legislature as well as Members of the Executive Council also take part in this program. The Program consists, amongst others of public meetings, hearings and oversight visits to identified projects for the cause of the week.
NCOP - Provincial Week
The Provincial Week is intended to enable the NCOP Permanent Delegates, Members of the Provincial Legislature, as well as the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), an opportunity to monitor the state of infrastructure in their respective provinces.It is intended to give credence to Parliament’s strategic vision, which is to build an effective people’s Parliament by enabling the legislative sector in South Africa an opportunity to play a leading role in guiding mechanisms to address challenges facing infrastructure investment and development in all the provinces.